Pixar Animation Studios, known simply as Pixar, is an American animation studio based in Emeryville, California, known for its critically and commercially successful computer-animated feature films. Pixar is a... Wikipedia
- Type: Subsidiary
- Traded as: NASDAQ: PIXR (1995–2006)
- Industry: Animation
- Predecessor: The Graphics Group of Lucasfilm Computer Division (1979–1986)
- Founded: February 3, 1986 in Richmond, California
- Founders: Edwin Catmull, Alvy Ray Smith
- Area served: Worldwide
- Key people: Jim Morris (CEO & President), Pete Docter (CCO)
- Products: Computer animations
- Brands: Pixar Image Computer, Pixar RenderMan
- Parent: Walt Disney Studios (2006–present)
- Data source: DuckDuckGo